Monday, August 25, 2008

Mission of Health@College

Health @College exists in order to reveal the importance of our diets to our individual future health! And to empower college students and their parents with an opportunity to make some changes that are reasonable and affordable in today's campus life that will make a difference in their health today and tomorrow.

You have expressed interest in doing something about your health and nutrition while at school. One of the first steps was the admission that it is difficult if not impossible to have a diet that makes any since what so ever while at school. The school cafeterias do a fairly good job, but they hear nothing but complaints if they are not offering the options that fall in alignment with the fast food nation in which we live (pizza, burgers, nuggets and fries). There are healthier choices, but if you are a “fly on the wall” in college dining facilities the choices that are made are not what you would desire.

Go to for complete Parents Message

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