Monday, August 25, 2008

It is a Struggle to Eat Right

Putting the right foods into our bodies is a daily struggle. Fast food drive-thrus and all-you-can-eat buffets lurk on every corner. Fat, salt, and sugar have been added to almost every package on the shelf at the grocery store. Grabbing a bag of chips or a can of soda at the convenience store is certainly a lot easier than peeling an orange or tossing a salad.

You've heard it all your life: "Eat more fruits and vegetables." Now, medical science is telling you, too. But knowing is easy. It's doing it that's hard.

People often turn to vitamins and other nutritional supplements to improve their diets. Unfortunately, vitamins alone can't begin to replicate the thousands of different nutrients found in fresh fruits and vegetables.

Juice Plus+ is the simple, convenient, and inexpensive way to add more nutrition from fruits and vegetables to your diet, every day.

Taking Juice Plus+ is the next best thing to eating fruits and vegetables.

Juice Plus+ provides nutrition from 17 different fruits, vegetables, and grains. Each ingredient is specially selected to provide you with a wide range of nutritional benefits.

Juice Plus+ contains not only a much wider variety of naturally occurring vitamins than vitamin supplements, but it also contains other phytonutrients, antioxidants, and nutrients -- even some of the fiber -- found in the fruits and vegetables it's made from. These nutrients work together in combination to provide you more of the nutritional benefits of eating healthful whole foods.

You see, Americans don't suffer from a vitamin deficiency; we suffer from a whole food deficiency. And this deficiency is creating health problems of epic proportions for young and old alike.

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