Thursday, September 10, 2015

NSA's Youngest National Marketing Director

This story was originally posted in 2011. Updated and reposted 2015.

Stories help teach, connect us and build trust.

Recently interviewed Travis Broussard,the youngest NSA National Marketing Director, Travis Broussard. Travis shared his story of what attracted him to Juice Plus+ and the NSA Virtual Franchise.

When Travis heard about Juice Plus+ from a naturopathic doctor he was 21 years old studying for his bachelor's degree in Exercise Physiology at the
University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Growing up Travis very athletic, an avid bodybuilder and competing in the state competitions, winning state title twice.

When Travis heard about Juice Plus+ "it made perfect sense. I had studied some nutrition and knew I wasn't eating enough fruits and vegetables. I had lost an aunt to cancer at age 40, and they a few years later I lost two uncles in their 50s to cancer."

Travis was attracted to the Juice Plus+ business because it just made sense to him and he knew it would make sense to his friends and family too. Travis liked the idea of sharing health and nutrition with others.

Travis was 21 years old in college and making $500 per month working 15 hours per week. Travis was planning on going to chiropractor school a was looking to double his income with the Juice Plus+ business by earning an additional $500.

Travis's advice on how to be successful in sharing Juice Plus+ with others is to share Juice Plus+ with others. "The more people you talk to the more bigger your business will grow."

Travis story is just beginning. He is now 24 years old, has a wife and child. Travis shared he has more free time and ability to travel, unlike most people his age.

Seminar presented by Travis ... Overwhelmed in the Protein Powder Market? What Works and What Doesn’t? To listen click here

I would like to thank you Travis for sharing his story with us and including us on your journey.

This reminds me of what Dr. Paul Williams said when ask who should we tell about Juice Plus+? His answer was to share Juice Plus+ with everyone you know because you never know "who might be swimming in a cesspool of disease."

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